Demantoid Garnet Rarity & Gemology with Prosperity Earth Ep. 10

Listen to Part 1 here.

Listen to Part 2 here.

Demantoid garnet expert and Madagascar miner, John Ferry, discusses the rarity, gemology and sellability of green andradite garnet known as demantoid in this podcast episode, part 2 of a complete interview including details about the mining in Madagascar.

It’s worth noting that this podcast episode compares Russian demantoid garnet to Madagascar demantoid garnet and explains the noticeable value difference between the two.

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“Demantoid Garnet from Antetezambato, Northern Madagascar—Internal Characteristics and Their Use in Deciphering Geographic Origin” by J. C. (Hanco) Zwaan


0:15 Intro

1:01 “Demantoid is the most undervalued of all colored gemstones in the world.”

1:55 Discovery of Demantoid Garnet in Ural Mountains, Russia

2:22 Sub-Adamantine Luster of Demantoid Garnet

3:26 Distinguishing Demantoid Garnet from other Andradite Garnet

4:35 Russian Demantoid Garnet vs Namibian and Madagascar material

7:15 Rarity of Demantoid Garnet

10:35 Advice to Salespeople

13:23 Durability of Demantoid Garnet

20:53 Value of Demantoid Garnet; Price Comparisons between Russian vs Madagascan material